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a brazilian-american seattle native, this is isabella’s first film. she is an aspiring activist and is dedicated to furthering liberation movements through film.

written and directed by

isabella richter de medeiros

"i wrote this film with the intention of normalizing queerness in teens, and to showcase an experience that many young queer girls go through when figuring out who they are. it can be terrifying and confusing to discover a part of yourself when all you know of that identity are harmful stereotypes such as “raging, predatory lesbian” and feeling like you have to fit into a specific box in order to be a girl who likes girls. with this film, I want to spark discussion about what it means to be a queer teenage girl in this day and age, because while many of our experiences are similar, we are all individuals with a different story to tell. “tolerance” is my least favorite word when discussing identities, because what we really need to promote is education, understanding, and acceptance. you tolerate going to the dentist; you tolerate doing homework; you tolerate your brother’s bad taste in music blaring from his bedroom; but queerness is not something to be tolerated, to be grudgingly put up with. it should be embraced and welcomed."

Headshot of director Isabella Richter de Medeiros

it follows sasha, a small-town high school cheerleader, as she struggles with her identity upon befriending pink-haired out-and-proud

queer classmate ty

"cheers and queers" is an independent short film intended to debunk stereotypes about queer teenage girls

about the film

Picture of a clapboard reading "Cheers and Queers Scene 10 Take 1"
Still of a scene in the film. Two teenage girls sit at a desk as they are told off by a teacher

"that's so heterophobic!"

"that is so not a thing!"

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